Wednesday 29 February 2012

improvements on magazine

To improve my cover page i will use different typography on my coverline so that they stand out and i don't use the same font throughout my magazine,i will also change the photo that is on my cover so that i can use clearer images and the model will have more of a pose. i will try and make my magazine look less like a school magazine by playing with different conventions such as the type face and make the cover of my magazine flow more rather that it all be boxed in. also on my cover i will make the background a block colour and still to 3 colours in the colour palette.

To improve the contents page on my magazine i will use different fonts to that it does not look repetitive and i will also play with the way the text has been layed out and i will feather the edge of my photos to make the, look more professional and clearer.

To improve the double page spread i will use different photos and focus more on including my model and using better lighting and i will use different font.

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