Friday 3 February 2012

Test Shots

mid shot

mid shot

action shot

close up

mid shot

mid shot

mid shot
close up
action shot
These are examples of the shots that I would like to be on my double page spread but I would like to have the model listening to the album that is being reviewed and to show the artwork of the album on their ipod or as a CD instead of them holding a camera.

mid shot

close up

mid shot


  1. I really like the photos you have taken for your test shots. Are these a mixture of test shots for both your cover, contents and double page spread? or specific to one? :)

  2. Your moodboard portrayed your chosen genre well, it appeared fun and playful with a pop feel to it. How are you going to re-create this feeling in your actual magazine?
    Your target audience of 16-30 years is a good age range just ensure your design appeals to the younger and older end of the spectrum.
    The use of pastel colours to create your pop magazine is quite an original idea, as your target audience is mainly females I think it could work. In your pitch Q and A session people gave you feedback about the use of pastels and suggested that it may not be bold enough, as most pop magazines tend to use bright colours. I see you have given a few examples on your blog of music magazines that have used pastel colours successfully. You may want to consider using two pastels and one bolder colour. I think this maybe an area you need to experiment more with, try various coloured backgrounds with various coloured text and see which works best. Upload all examples onto your blog and ask classmates for feedback.
    Your test shots seem playful, which works well with your genre just be careful when composing shots ensure there isn’t too much head room. Also consider mise-en-scen, you mentioned using a prop in your photo I think this could work really well to give your image more dimension. Experiment with how you will use the prop. Also remember to trial a few models before selecting your final model. Ensure to upload images of all models you experimented with and explain why you selected the one you did.
